History of Women's Month and Women Empowerment
Words by Rosario Cordero
Happy International Women’s Month!
The month of March has been a significant month-long celebration for all women in the world and 8th of March marks '“International Women’s Day” (IWD)' a global day when women are recognized for their achievements without regard to divisions whether national, ethnic, linguistic, cultural, economic or political.
In the early 20th Century between 1909 and 1911, working women in the United States participated in organizing a strike-activities, they were protesting against low wages, lack of protective legislation and the very poor working conditions to which women workers were subjected during that time.
This strike has impacted and influenced Clara Zetkin a German activist (Leader of the 'Women's Office' for the Social Democratic Party in Germany) formed and proposed the idea of founding “International Women’s Day” and that it should be celebrated each year to recognize working women around the world.
United Nations has officially recognized and acknowledge women’s contributions to all societies. Women’s Month Celebration has since served as a venue to highlight women’s achievements, to continue discussing women’s empowerment to gender equality issues, concerns, challenges, and commitments.
"Versatility and functionality are key for women today: workers, mothers, wives, travellers… to name a few of their many roles. Women are multitaskers, they assume many roles throughout the day. HALM was established to meet the needs of the contemporary woman, regardless of age, who fulfils multiple roles and requires more than one aesthetic".
Hanna Ransjö | CEO+ Creative Director

HALM In House Production Photoshoot; Directed and Photographed by Founder Hanna Ransjö with model @lara.helmer

HALM All Female Team During Dubai Design Week
“It is a fact that when you change a girl’s life, you effect her vision of herself and her immediate world and the world that she will have an impact on.” – Oprah Winfrey
HALM is run by women and this is something we take a lot of pride in!
In this new generation, women are stepping up their game and no longer feel confined to a small box. Instead they feel capable to enter any field and embrace all the opportunities they desire. Women are now more cognisant about their existence, roles and rights. Nowadays women are exceeding in many different aspects such as; politics, academics, technology, entertainment/fashion industries, business entrepreneurship etc..
A lot of female entrepreneurs are the key players in any developed country particularly in terms of their contribution to the economic development. They have proven their capabilities to innovate in competitive struggles to experience and challenge themselves for self-fulfillment.

Editorial Photoshoot for 1.3 Campaign

Behind-The-Scenes Makeup + Styling

HALM x KF Campaign

HALM x KF PFW 2020 Backstage

“ When a woman helps another woman, they both benefit. And when women celebrate one another’s accomplishments, we’re all lifted up. Together women can do more, go further, and change the world.” - Leanin.org
Women in business and female entrepreneurs support mentorship, encouraging women to not only reach their own goals, but setting the bar that much higher for future female business leaders.
Despite of the struggle in a male dominating industry or workplace women are determined and resilient to pave their way up to success. The women in workspace are an asset of a high value. Women are born problem solvers, analytical - they are leaders and with profound ability to multitask they bring an integrated talent that’s sufficient for all needs in a workplace.
We all know how female role models can have a great influence in advancing fellow colleagues. We encourage, support, empower and lift each other up hence why HALM is an empowering business to work. It is a privilege to work with these exceptional and strong women who inspire us not only professionally but on a personal level.
We live in a world where we are surrounded by inspiring women whose work and passion has an impact on the community. There are many platforms these women now have to share their stories and encourage us to choose or follow a certain career path and reach personal goals within our career and personal lives.
As women, a bright future means liking and strongly supporting women by doing it openly, proudly and generously. Praising other women and noticing their achievements elevates our own vibes aswell. Recognizing big or small accomplishments or hard work of a women in authentic way can really help motivate and lift their spirits to continually grow!
HALM under the leadership of Designer + Creative Director “Hanna Ransjö” has been the ultimate influence; who empowers every single employee to learn and grow in all areas of the business. Having a strong woman as the backbone of the company is an advantage for the employees to reach their own success as well as growth of the business. A leader who has a very hands-on approach in terms of running the business, setting an example to motivate the team to work hard but the same time be able to enjoy their roles. She’s keen to recognize and appreciate small victories within the workforce which in turn keeps the team motivated and bright!

“The success of every woman should be the inspiration to another. We should raise each other up. Make sure you’re very courageous: be strong, be extremely kind, and above all be humble.” – Serena Williams.

Hair + Makeup Done by HALM Founder Hanna Ransjö for Collection 1.2 Campaign

To celebrate ‘International Women's Month’ HALM approached a few inspiring local women entrepreneurs for their affirmations which keep them motivated

"Wake up early. Drink coffee. Work hard. Be ambitious. Keep your priorities straight, your mind right and your head up. Do well, live well, and dress really well. Do what you love, love what you do. It is time to start a living"
@ilkeshah | Founder @limelitejewellery

"Last year, I learned that it is important to be aware of the energy I bring and the energy around me. This has really shifted my thinking into being more positive and ready to tackle whatever comes my way."
- Hakima | Founder @hakthelabel

"I am committed to inspiring a minimum of 5 people a day to take action and show up as the best version of themselves."
@kellylundbergofficial | Entrepreneur / Style Expert

"The courage I need is to beleive in myself and so to make my dreams become reality ! And I have everything I need to make it happen!"
- @miriam_abadi | Founder @truandbeyond

"You don't have to see the whole staircase, you just have to take the next step and remember how far you've come."
@helenhopeofficial Founder @heartknoxx @mentalhealthistrending

"I'm capable, I'm ambitious, I'm determined and I can achieve anything that I put my mind to.I'm abundant and I'm surrounded by people who inspire me and who help me thrive. I'm generous and I give two-fold what I receive. I'm grateful that everything works out for me at the end"
@ghizlan_guenez_ | Founder @themodist

"I'm a firm beleiver in Karma so everyday I try to remind myself that good things comes to good people and 1 good deed or even just a smile will spread like rings in water."
@annhertha Founder @fashionexclusiveuae